Fun Fun Fun Fest: Monster aliens decimate festival

Legend has it that Gwar came to Earth eons ago after being banished from their home planet for being too brutal and epic. As long as they have to stay on our planet, they’ve decided to do one thing: decimate the human race by playing the most face-melting, bone-crushing metal known to man.

Those who saw the band Gwar Saturday night at this weekend’s Fun Fun Fun Fest and lived to tell about it would certainly agree. The band donned their normal uniforms, brought plenty of fake blood and played one of the best sets of the weekend.

Although each Gwar member is from the same monster-alien race, they each look different. They all have a similar armor-based, Viking-like costume, but each member puts a different spin on it. For example, the guitarist has a huge bear trap for a head with horns coming out on each side, and the bassist dons a Trojan-styled costume. The drummer, meanwhile, has a vicious-looking dog head.

As is normal for Gwar shows, the band brought some celebrity impersonators on stage and then preceded to “kill” them in a cartoonishly violent manner during the middle of songs.

After the show, audience members were soaked in a bright red liquid intended to resemble blood that was dispersed into the festival crowd.