Bullying of gays all too common

In recent months, cases of several lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youths who have committed suicide because they were bullied for being different have made national news.

Bullying in schools is nothing new, but it often goes unnoticed or ignored. Yet a great number of people know the pain, scars and traumatizing effects that come as a result of it.

These specific instances of bullying go beyond the old justification of “kids will be kids” and the normal experiences of growing up. It is a problem that must be addressed. Do not be mistaken; these particular cases are not normal instances of bullying, but rather the symptoms of an irrational hatred towards homosexuals.

Through legislation like Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act, along with a number of other anti-gay laws and failed attempts to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, the message sent to gay Americans is loud and clear: You are not equal to the rest of us.

Our nation has gone through this battle with women, African-Americans and every other minority one could imagine. It would be rational to expect that at this time in the history of social justice in the United States, the answer to requests for equality would be radically different.

But despite substantial improvements concerning the treatment and acceptance of LGBT citizens, our nation is nowhere close to where it should be.

Homosexuals are not the problem; hatred, bigotry, ignorance and blatant close-mindedness are to blame. When people spew hateful speech, calling LGBT citizens “disgusting,” “morally wrong” and “abominations,” among many other cruel words, it understandably leads to LGBT individuals feeling inferior and unwanted.

This abusive bullying–whether among schoolchildren or adults–directly leads to members of the LGBT community feeling alienated from society and sometimes even committing suicide. Discrimination makes it nearly impossible for youths to deal with who they are and find their place in the world.

Having to endure unjustified disgust, sideways glances and humiliation is something no one should ever have to endure. It is astounding that some people believe that mistreating, harming and shamelessly discriminating against other human beings is acceptable.

Hatred based on sexuality is irrational and downright wrong. Intolerance and discrimination of any kind is detrimental to our society as a whole. The world has enough problems as it is; the mistreatment of LGBT individuals shouldn’t be one of them.

Do a favor for yourself and for future generations by doing your part to change this. Help to foster an environment where everyone can be treated kindly and humanely. We are all human beings and deserve to be treated as equals.