Film captures VHS oddities





It was two years ago, but it seems like only yesterday that the very last VHS tape rolled off the assembly line.

Most of the world couldn’t have cared less—DVD had taken over the market several years earlier—but there were a few people truly heartbroken at losing their favorite home movie format.

Among these people were the staff at Scarecrow Video in Seattle, who decided to dig into their massive VHS collection to find the strangest video clips imaginable. They combined these clips into a historical homage to VHS and started showing the creation around Seattle.

Now the Scarecrow Video guys are taking their creation, aptly named “Viva VHS!,” to theaters like Austin’s own Alamo Drafthouse, and audiences are loving it.

“Viva VHS!” plays out as a mix tape for those lamenting the loss of their favorite black, plastic movie format. But instead of love songs, this mix tape is full of strange videos that could only be found on VHS cassettes; things like then-rapper Mark Walberg’s ‘90s fitness tape or the after-school cartoon special about the dangers of drugs, commissioned by George Bush.

It’s weird—really weird—but if you can get past the initial shock of “Viva VHS!,” the rest is a blast.

The creators manage to combine all the clips into a movie with a somewhat cohesive plot line and a ton of laughs. The movie has a basic “Christmas Carol” type of set up: We, the audience, ride along with a friendly VHS tape as he takes a look at VHS past, present and future.

Most of the time, however, is spent on the past, which is nothing to complain about. There were a ton of hilarious clips, reoccurring characters—like an early ‘80s Henry Winkler—and things that really shouldn’t ever be seen again.

“Viva VHS!” finds a perfect balance of insanity, hilarity and nostalgia that becomes a great experience for anyone who grew up watching VHS tapes.