‘Box of Chocolates’ improv thrives through combining comedy, community

The group is organized by sponsor ‘Box of Truffles’ improv troupe.
Many groups and clubs in academia can be bland or dry, but few can leave you on the floor laughing in tears nearly peeing your pants. However, on campus organization Box of Chocolates is an improv group that surely will.
Liza Dovgish and Lexie Garrett offered a glimpse into the entertaining world of the improv group. Box of Chocolates meets weekly for a side-splitting practice that is sure to leave attendees smiling. Despite any exam stresses or the pressure of the daily grind, Dovgish and Garrett invite all students to come enjoy the beauty of improv comedy, regardless of experience.
On a gruelingly drole Wednesday night, their meeting started quietly. Dovgish got everyone started on a game where each performer had to say three phrases in a short dialogue with the person to their right before moving on. What transpired from that, however, was a stream-of-consciousness act where one actor responded crouched with his eyes wide open, making horns come from his head, jaw to the side, in a voice that sounded nothing short of possessed. No one could keep their composure, and many were doubled over laughing so hard tears ran down their faces as they gasped for breath.
The two sophomore comedians discussed how they got their start in improv. Lexie Garrett, co-President and Managing Director of Box of Chocolates, reveals that, “From a young age, I loved making people laugh, I always loved watching SNL,” Garrett said. “I first got involved with theater, then founded the Improvikes club at my high school.”
Dovgish said her history with improv started similarly in high school when she was not getting the involvement she was looking for. She came to St. Edward’s for a more in-depth education of improv and even looked for outside resources.
“I found The Institution Theatre, attended a free class and decided I would sign up for a 101 course,” Dovgish said. “I did some comedy jams, fell in love with improv, and realized the importance of it.”
For those who are interested in a career in comedy, performances from Box of Chocolates are organized by their sponsor, Box of Truffles, an improv troupe. In order to be a part of the troupe, the co-presidents ask for commitment through attendance and consistent contributions to Box of Truffles.
For Dovgish, the beauty of improv lies in “performers who come to improv leave everything at the door…improv breaks the barriers of everyday life; it’s the shapeshifter of art forms.”
For Garrett, it’s the ability to create joy. “In that moment, nothing is wrong. Every day, we worry about the mistakes we make, and what’s most beautiful about improv is there are no mistakes.”
Both Garrett and Dovgish agree there is a sense of community in the group. Garrett compares it to getting into a car: “You have no idea where you’re going—it could be the ice cream shop or Mars—but you know you’re going together.”