Unbalanced budget priorities threaten us all

President Barack Obama delivers a health care address to a joint session of Congress at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sept. 9, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

Donald Trump has recently proposed his new budget for the government, with an alleged $54 billion expansion to military, an expansion funded by a reduction to foreign aid, the State Dept., and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).

The decision is hardly shocking considering the other dubious decisions Trump has made, but it still spells possible disaster for our already precarious environmental situation, and for no sensible reason; it is an often-quoted fact that America’s military spending is greater than that of the next seven countries combined.

So not only has the president expanded upon a hugely overgrown branch of the government’s budget, he has done it at the expense of two branches that continue to be more and more essential to the modern world.

Humanity has made an effort not only to kill each other, but also the very earth we stand on, an effort supported by Trump’s baffling budget, which may as well be labelled “Two Birds with One Stone: How to Ensure the Destruction of Us All.” This is hyperbole, of course, but you get the point.

We are currently in too risky of a situation to neglect our environment or our relationship with other struggling countries, yet the man half of our nation voted to put those on the back burner in favor of bulking up our martial power when they elected Trump.

In fact, January marked the first instance of a bumblebee species being considered extinct by the U.S., a signifier that we have officially screwed up. Bumblebees are essential pollinators within nature and are the reason why we have so many nice fruits and vegetables. That is to say, if bees go, so do we, and while bees have been disappearing since before Trump’s inauguration, it does add an even more dire circumstance to the whole of the situation.

The bees are only one small aspect of environmentalism, as one must also consider the inevitable encounters we should have with oil spills, climate change and the likelihood of eradicating a species from this earth.

These are scars that we as a nation will be charged with as we waste away funds that could be better directed towards preventing and repairing damage already made.

The good news is that Trump can only do so much with the budget— only a third of is is discretionary spending, and the rest of the mandatory spending ensures that nothing is completely neglected in the process of prepping for more modern imperialism.

Otherwise I imagine America would be like a pokemon that just continues to use attack raising moves while also being confused. Still, the insidious implications of higher military spending weigh heavily, and we have yet another thing to be wary of in the days to come.