Astrology app eases confusion of comparing birth charts with friends
“If we’re not compatible, you’re getting kicked out as my sister,” read a text my brother randomly sent me last week. A few seconds later I got a Co–Star notification. Less than two months ago my brother knew nothing about astrology and rolled his eyes anytime I said anything about my astrological sign, now he’s constantly telling me about his latest updates and picking my brain about each sign.
Astrology has become a lot more popular than a corny pick-up line that I’ve never seen anyone use outside of playing “The Sims.” It is another way of determining your personality type like the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator or the Enneagram, which are commonly used in classes and job applications.
Understanding astrology can be difficult but becomes better once you find out you actually have many signs in different planetary placements. Each sign belongs to a different element that indicates different aspects of your personality. This is why an app like Co–Star is perfect for people with all kinds of knowledge on astrology.
Co–Star provides you with your birth chart based on your date, time and place of birth that details all your signs with the corresponding planet placements. If you have no idea what that means, don’t worry because it explains it all.
The app also gives you daily updates and outlines of which aspects of your life you have power, pressure or trouble. Co–Star has become famous for the daily updates that sometimes feel like a callout. “Try not to talk shit today,” read a notification they sent me once.
Arguably, the best part of Co–Star is the social aspect that allows you to add other users and compare charts. You can also see their updates, which is a cool way to be able to check-in with friends or, if you are anything like my brother, determine if you should cut off a sibling.
Co–Star’s usability makes it extremely easy for beginners to understand astrology, and keeps it fun for users that already have experience. While other astrology apps like Sanctuary require payment for a lot of its features, Co–Star is completely free.
Another one of Co–Star’s competitors, The Pattern, is just as popular and insightful. But The Pattern has a different approach to reading your stars. Instead of providing you with your natal chart that gives you a list of all your planetary placements it tells you the pattern (get it?) of your life’s cycles. From five-day-long patterns to sometimes three-year-long cycles, the app explains how placements of the planets affect your mood and drive for certain periods of time. The Pattern’s updates are terrifyingly spot-on to the point where it even had Channing Tatum publicly freaked out.
Similar to Co–Star, The Pattern offers social features. The app shows only allows you to check romantic compatibility. Meaning you cannot check the platonic connection with your friends, which would make it weird for me to check my compatibility with my brother. Co–Star, on the other hand, shows birth chart comparison that illustrates your complementary placements.
I am an avid user of both apps, but The Pattern can definitely scare off newcomers with its incredibly accurate and text-heavy updates. Co–Star is simple and sweet. Its updates are fun and straight to the point and the chart compatibility feature makes it exciting to share with friends.
Love astrology but struggle with its vocab? This app might be for you
As astrology becomes more and more popular, it is imperative that those interested in learning more choose the right astrology app over the countless others. The Pattern is the superior app and users should feel confident that they’ll learn more about themselves while using it.
The Pattern is a free app available for download in the App Store. The app has an average 4.5 star rating on 948 user reviews. It’s currently only available to iOS users and has existed since May 2017.
When you open the app, you type in your birth date, birth time and place of birth. After doing this, it’s apparent how easy the app is to use right when it opens. There’s no difficult terms for people new to astrology; there’s no “Capricorn moon,” “Taurus Venus,” or “fifth house.” The Pattern gives you user-friendly descriptions of your personality instead.
The app opens up on world updates and your daily pattern update. World updates show what’s going on in the overarching universe. Some of it might apply and some of it might not. However, world updates are important because it’s useful to know what’s happening around you.
On the next tab, The Pattern gives you “your pattern” and “your timing.” “Your pattern” gives you a list of personality traits, a detailed description of each trait, and what friends you share them with. Examples include “hard worker and dependable” and “unique style.”
“Your timing” gives you a list of cycles that you are currently going through and ones coming up. It even gives you peak dates of each cycle. Examples include “growing pains” and “powerful healing.” I just finished my first cycle while using the app, and it was scarily accurate. I woke up the day after the cycle ended and felt like a completely different person.
The Pattern gives you all of the information needed to go through your cycles as seamlessly as possible. It helps you understand yourself more and prepares you for big life changes.
The app also allows you to look at your relationships with your friends. You can compare timings and personality traits and can even look at the relationships between two of your friends. This can be super useful when planning on blending friend groups or arranging a seating chart for your party this weekend.
Compared to other astrology apps such as Co-Star, The Pattern really just leads the way. The depth it offers its users is simply superior to the generic daily messages provided by Co-Star. Reading through a list of your patterns and cycles is much more beneficial to users than a simple natal chart they can create anywhere else on the internet. The Pattern brings something new to the table- something that’s never been done before.
Another one of Co-Star’s faults is that it’s not user-friendly. With its complicated terminology, users will be turned off from astrology. The Pattern won’t scare users away like Co-Star might.
In a world of self improvement, The Pattern is a perfect app to have in your toolbox. The app provides the type of advice a worried parent or therapist might give you, and there’s times when that’s what we really need to hear.