Spooky, but make it fashion: Transit Theatre Troupe co-hosts Halloween charity event

Gracie Watt / Hilltop Views

The team of designers and models, led by John Mascorro, pose following the show. Ana Jaime sports a black leather jacket. Jaime lead the makeup team, getting models ready in special-effects makeup.

Fall fashion takes a spooky turn as models take the runway to strut for a cause. Hosted by non-profit organization “Ain’t Broke” and the St. Edward’s Transit Theatre Troupe, the Haunted Runway brought in proceeds for the Texas Campaign for the Environment. 

John Mascorro, St. Edward’s student and founder of “Ain’t Broke,” explained more about what the non-profit organization does. “We put on different charity catwalks and we donate to different ecological organizations,” Mascorro said. The mission of the group is to bring awareness to local and national organizations.      

Mascorro is involved with both “Ain’t Broke” and the Tranist Theatre Troupe, and was one of the masterminds behind the Haunted Runway show, which took place outside of Doyle on Friday night. 

The Transit Theatre Troupe on St. Edward’s campus has been active since 2007, and is there to lend a helping hand to students who wish to bring their art to life on campus. Whether it be through music, theatre, or fashion, the transit theatre troupe supports students. We saw an example of this on Friday, as the troupe helped Mascorro and others put on a fabulous fashion show. 

The haunted runway brought money to Texas Campaign for the Environment, a non-profit, grassroots organization in which members go door-to-door, canvassing for environmental and political issues in Texas.  

Some more helping hands behind the scenes involve Ana Jaime, who brainstormed the runway alongside Mascorro. She led the makeup team as well, getting models ready in impressively scary special-effects makeup. She had a team of friends helping her out with the elaborate preparations as well. 

“I sent John a lot of different makeup and fashion looks and together we collaborated to get ready for the show,” Jaime said. 

Anticipation for the show began to build among students and family members, as they all sat along the runway. Lady Gaga played as students mingled and bought snacks, many dressed for the occasion in their best Halloween wear. 

After a short introduction from Mascorro, the first model strutted out, and each model filed out after her, all of them dressed impeccably and spookily. Students expressed enthusiasm as the models sported what seemed to be high-end Halloween styles, but thankfully all the pieces were on sale for just $6 at the end of the show. 

While all the models strutted like they were professionals, there was actually a wide range of modeling experience on the runway. Some were very experienced in the modeling scene already, and some, such as UT student Alex Walker, were first-time models. However, Walker did not lack confidence, as he posed for the flashing cameras and even surprised the crowd by landing a backflip towards the end of the show. 

“I’ve always wanted to do something like this, and a friend of mine introduced me to John and that’s how I got involved. Halloween is cool, so that’s a plus too,” Walker expressed backstage.  

All of the models, with the help of Mascorro and his team, killed it on the haunted runway, and audience members were happy to support the environmentally-friendly cause while enjoying the festivities and the shopping afterwards.