LeBron James pays full tuition for his “I Promise” upperclassmen students

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Less than two years after opening his “I Promise” school in Ohio, LeBron James has now promised to pay tuition for the current seniors his school.
In 2018, NBA star LeBron James and his Family Foundation opened the I Promise School in Akron, Ohio, to serve at-risk children. It currently has plans to teach all grades first through eighth by 2022. James also designed shoe sand a new children’s book, but that is not all the basketball star has in store for the community. He recently announced on Feb. 17 that all 193 students in his inaugural class, who are currently juniors in high school, will be receiving fully-paid, four-year tuition with room and meal plans paid for at Kent State University.
While the students were on tour of the university, a slight interruption was made by the LeBron James Family Foundation. The grand gesture sparked some tears and big smiles from students and families.
Kent State University is also very excited to welcome students to campus, as they are “pleased to take partnership with the LeBron James Family Foundation to this next level and welcome these students fully into the Kent State family.” University President Todd Diacon also said Kent State “looks forward to the time when our campus is teeming with I PROMISE students.”
Michele Campbell, the executive director of the foundation, exclaimed: “We are so thankful to the entire Kent State family for believing in our students and providing exactly the type of programming and support they need to be successful not only in school, but in life.” While the plan covers four-year tuition, it only provides one year of room and meal plan. In an effort to assist with costs in the following three years, the university set up a fundraising effort to pay for the remainder.
According to a CNN report on the promises made, students “must be admitted to Kent State, fill out required financial aid forms and have completed a required number of community service hours each semester.” Students must also “remain in good academic standing, take part in a required number of community service or volunteer hours and complete a minimum number of credit hours per year” to keep their standing with the university.
On Aug. 4, 2018, James opened the doors to 240 students in third and fourth grade. He promised them full-paid tuition upon graduating. He currently provides free uniforms, meals and snacks, transportation, bicycles and helmets, and access to food pantries. And if you thought he couldn’t offer anything else, think again. James is also providing access to jobs and GED services for the kids’ parents.
While the basketball legend received this title not only for his skills on the court, let’s remember this is not charity-work, rather a responsibility. LeBron shared his gratitude for having so many options in his life, while these students don’t. He viewed this as a responsibility to offer these options to others and said, “to be able to be in a position where I can give these kids options to decide what they want to do with their future, it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Nina Martinez is a senior at St. Edward’s University, earning her Bachelor’s in Writing and Rhetoric. Martinez has reported and edited for Hilltop...