“The Cat Behind the Hat” displays work, recognizable style of Dr. Seuss
Adrian Gonzalez / Hilltop Views
The main unveiling of the evening was the ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ illustrations. This piece features Sam-I-Am and his friend Guy-Am-I after enjoying a delicious platter of green eggs and ham.
Whether you’ve read them here or there, or in a box with a fox, Dr. Seuss’s timeless storybooks have a special spot in everyone’s hearts – even if they’re two sizes too small.
On Feb. 29, around 600 people of all ages attended “The Cat Behind the Hat” art exhibit, where they encountered dozens of Dr. Seuss’s exclusive, whimsical pieces. Work displayed ranged from hundreds to thousands of dollars. From playful taxidermy of Seuss’s fictional creatures to midway sketches of later-finalized illustrations, the section contains a range of different styles of art that any Seuss fan can enjoy.
The Ao5 Gallery has hosted “The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss” collection for the past two decades, which is open year-round. Gallery director and noted Seuss expert Todd Gresley and representative Jeff Schuffman unveiled five new additions to the collection, including a prized “Green Eggs and Ham” illustration.
The exhibit took three months of planning with only six staff members to help create the event. But Gresley says that the unifying joy and excitement that ran through the faces of all those who attended made the intricate planning well worth the effort.
“I’ve been doing this for 22 years,” Gresley said. “But once I see people’s faces and they’re here and having a great time. That’s what art’s about.”
From starting out as a birthday celebration for Seuss to becoming a popular attraction for premiere showcases, Gresley said that the exhibit has only grown through the years and that having Seuss’s valuable artwork in his gallery is an absolute honor.
“[Seuss’s] dying wish was to do fine art. So for me, it’s an honor. I mean, I get to deal with one of the most famous people in the world every day and I have the largest collection in the world,” Gresley said.
Some attendees look forward to this exhibit year in and year out. Many of them even make it a point to reread some of Seuss’s works prior to the event to familiarize themselves with the beloved nostalgia that fills the pages. One annual attendee says that exhibits like this are meaningful to everyone in attendance.
“I’ve been coming to this for many years, actually. Decades. Dr. Seuss, I think, is someone whose art is known to pretty much everyone and loved by everybody. It’s awesome and I love seeing that.”
The goal of the exhibit is to help preserve the creative mind of the well-known author for generations and showcase the one-of-a-kind artistic style that many Suess fans hold near and dear to their childhoods.

Hey! My name is Adrian and I am the sports editor for Hilltop Views. I am a senior Writing & Rhetoric major with a concentration in Journalism &...