Review: Third season of “You” upholds thriller TV show standards, expectations

Netflix’s “You” has released its third season. “You” is a psychological thriller based upon the books by Caroline Kepnes.
Netflix has been known for its hit original movies and TV shows for a while now. One of the most popular shows that began airing about three years ago, “You,” has made a long-awaited comeback with its third, mind-bending season. Like the many popular shows on Netflix, “You” was one that had to significantly delay its seasonal release due to COVID-19, but the wait was worth it.
Produced by Warner Bros. Television and based on the books by Caroline Kepnes, “You” follows the mysterious and scandalous life of Joe Goldberg as he continues to make major life mistakes due to his obsession with the people he falls in love with. Season three surrounds him and his wife, Love, and their attempts to keep up a normal, suburban life while raising a newborn and holding many dark secrets. The secrets are almost too extreme to disclose without spoiling too much, but they range from issues within their community to issues about their personal relationships. Let’s just say…love is messy.
One of the things I loved the most about this season — and the show in general — is its ability to maintain interest and intrigue. The third season is usually when a show that wasn’t received well tends to fall off the wagon, but “You” successfully evades that trend. Even after three seasons, each long and thought out by writers, this show remains superior in my book. It kept me on the edge of my seat every episode, and the desire to binge the entire thing in one night was hard to resist.
However, it was important for me to take breaks every few episodes, and I recommend it to those who wish to watch it. The content displayed and themes touched on are very heavy, and it can be hard to intake in one day, let alone one sitting.
The second thing I found the most entertaining was how the refreshing twists and turns in the end of the season put me through. The ability for a show to keep that up after so long is impressive. The most significant way the show achieves this is by referencing past seasons by intertwining the impact they had on the main character into his actions and thoughts now.
Overall, I would rate this show 5/5 goats. I highly recommend it to anyone who either had doubts about the third season or is interested in murder mysteries where the narrators are highly unreliable and the writers are on their best game.

Claire is a senior Communication major with a minor in Journalism continuing to dedicate her time growing and learning as a student journalist. Claire...