Under the shade of the Long Center’s Terrace, visitors gather in a circle around a mini stage, anxious for their favorite politician to make his appearance through the double doors. Music from a live band flows through speakers from the back of the crowd, playing familiar tunes for those to dance and sing along with.
On Tuesday, Sept. 6, Beto O’Rouke visited Austin as part of his 49-day statewide “Drive for Texas” campaign. O’Rouke promoted his politics at the center of the crowd, joined by several other politicians: Susan Hays, Luke Warford, Rochelle Garza and Mike Collier.
Hilltop Views spoke with O’Rouke shortly after he left the stage to take pictures with supporters. He said he is “counting on” the young, student voters, some of who are voting for the first time.
“Young people at every turn of this country’s history have brought about the necessary positive change,” he said. “It is young people today, ensuring that we do the right things at the right moment — at this defining moment of truth. Young people are going to decide the outcome of this election, I guarantee you, and I want to make sure I follow their lead.”
Two officers from Austin Police Department stand side-by-side in the shade of the terrace, observing the crowd from afar. (Claire Lawrence)An elderly woman holds up a colorful sign, advocating for O’Rouke. (Claire Lawrence)Volunteers on Beto’s campaign hand out donation envelopes to people in the crowd. An announcer asked visitors for money two times before speeches began. All money spent on merchandise also went toward campaign funding. (Claire Lawrence)O’Rouke bows his head in prayer at the beginning of the event. He joined the crowd outside to the notes of “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake. (Claire Lawrence)Collier takes on the crowd, sporting a white collared shirt with the texas flag on the back and a maroon hat that reads “Ulvade” as a reminder of Texas’ most recent loss. Collier will be running for Lieutenant Governor. (Claire Lawrence)Garza is running against Ken Paxton for Attorney General. In her speech, stressed if she wins, she will be the first Hispanic woman to serve in this role. (Claire Lawrence)Former president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, was honored to introduce O’Rouke to the stage after everyone spoke. (Claire Lawrence)O’Rouke touched on many sensitive topics, like Texas’ recent trigger law and the Uvalde school shooting. After making his strong points, the crowd cheers, holding up their signs in support. (Claire Lawrence)The aunt and uncle of a young girl who died in Uvalde were special guests; front row at the event. O’Rouke honored the couple, having them stand up as a reminder of the losses felt earlier this year. (Claire Lawrence)O’Rouke managed to have total control of the crowd throughout his speech, keeping things down-to-earth and personal. (Claire Lawrence)O’Rouke poses with members of the “Moms Demand Action” movement in a meet and greets that took place shortly after the rally. (Claire Lawrence)
Claire is a senior Communication major with a minor in Journalism continuing to dedicate her time growing and learning as a student journalist. Claire...
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Gloria Reeves • Sep 11, 2022 at 10:46 am
Abbott is my governor