On Sept. 1 the fall Involvement Fair took place in the Mabee Ballroom. It’s a place for students and faculty to engage in new milestones as the semester gets started. Students can find organizations that will fit their interests, curiosities and aid them further in their academic studies. For many students this was the first time they got to see what St. Edward’s could offer them be it club sports team, fraternities, extra curricular activities like rock climbing or other clubs such as students for sustainability and Black Student Alliance.
This semester, the fair took place inside due to unfortunate weather, but students did not seem to mind the change of scenery that had both A/C and good company. (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)Students gather around tabled organizations to engage in the many avenue St. Edward’s has to offer (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)One of the many student led organizations was the climbing team. Students can experience new heights and friendships with this crew. (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)St. Edward’s also has an Esports organization most people aren’t aware of. Don’t let the name eSports fool you, they are not all just about competition, their main mission is to create community and have fun. (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)RecWell stands by their mission to ensure that students around campus are aware of their resources and make sure each student’s mental health is top priority. Their table was outside the ballroom where students could stop by while waiting in the entrance line. (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)The Munday Library is one of the many resources campus has to offer. Every Tuesday on the second floor from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., the library offers academic assistance in their Writing Center. (Jeremy Cordova / Hilltop Views)
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