Students ‘lipsync for their legacy’ at on-campus drag show, draws in huge crowd
(Kaitlynn Devitt / Hilltop Views)
Poison Ivy Queen, Anal Fizzure, Sir. Beau Elliot, Maxim and Neura Toxin celebrate their performances together after a successful and packed drag show event in Mabee Ballroom
On Thursday, Oct. 20, Student Diversity and Inclusion and the Equity and Justice Council hosted a drag show in the Mabee Ballroom. This event became packed with many supporters and fans of drag, drag queens and the hand-selected judges.
The significance of the event being on campus was to bring awareness to the meaning and history behind drag.
Surprisingly, drag began during the late 16th century, when female roles were played by men dressed as women in the theater. Today, drag scenes have evolved into safe spaces for people of all genders and sexual identities to express themselves through the art of drag.
The last time this event was held on campus was before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. Excitement filled the room as people spanned the colorful space and began to take their seats. Happy to have the event back, people were shocked by just how many showed up and how quickly chairs began to run out.
Current student and co-president of the SEU Pride Club Emily Nichols attended the event, “I have never experienced a drag show before and I think it was inspiring to see our community come together out of support of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Nichols.
There were several performers, all current students who were either just starting their drag careers or had been doing these events for a while. The five performers were Maxim, Poison Ivy Queen, Neura Toxin, Sir. Beau Elliot and Anal Fizzure.