OPINION: Austin is slowly but surely earning back the title of “Live Music Capital of the World”

Kaitlynn Devitt / Hilltop Views
Austin, “The Live Music Capital of the World,” struggled during the pandemic to keep their title. Now that things are returning back to normal, more concerts and music venues are having events again.
Do you know the importance of Aug. 29, 1991? This was the day that Austin declared itself as “The Live Music Capital of the World” according to the City Council Archives. Just like any other student who came to St. Edward’s as a freshman, going to Austin City Limits was the thing to do. Being able to walk down South Congress hearing live music playing at different spots, such as The Continental Club and Guero’s Oak Garden was the thing to do. However, due to COVID-19, this title for Austin has been in jeopardy. In 2020 alone, a total of $30 billion was lost from revenue and live event cancellations. The majority of people that attend such events are college students, many of whom moved back home due to the pandemic, which raised another issue that contributed to this loss.
Due to the pandemic, many iconic spots, such as Barracuda, have closed permanently. Just like many other businesses in Austin, they tried their best to continue running things and tried to experiment with other ways of bringing in money — like starting a new apparel shop — but it just was not enough.
Now it is 2023, and as things slowly return to normal, the live music scene is as well. It is clear that many young people have moved to Austin after COVID-19 and may not know how or where to see good, or cheap, live music. The music scene is slowly gaining more attention again, but will it ever be like how it was before COVID-19? Sadly, I don’t think so, but there are ways Austin could try to improve in terms of the music scene. Because of the pandemic and how everyone had to isolate themselves, I think that a lot of people turned to the internet and social media. This pattern has continued into today.. Social media is probably the most common way people hear about events such as concerts, and other live music opportunities.
My suggestion is for any live music venue in Austin to have at least an Instagram account where they can promote their events and attract these younger people to come out and pay to attend and have a good time. This would be a great start to reinstating Austin’s title of “The Live Music Capital of the World.” If you are looking for a place that has great music and intimate set ups, make sure you follow Hole In The Wall and Empire Control Room & Garage for upcoming events.