One of many fun games that drew longer lines was this balloon dart game. Not as easy as it sounds, many people waited in long lines to take a shot at the small balloons on the wall, quickly getting right back in line to try again.
Lights and music caught the attention of those just arriving at this year’s annual Hillfest celebration. Upon initial arrival, attendees who had checked in and had their wristbands were offered drinks and welcomed into the event. Guests ranged from students to faculty and staff to parents to alumni and more. When attendees walked in, they were greeted by a variety of carnival games like ring toss, balloon darts and shooting hoops. There were also some less conventional rides to take part in like rock wall climbing, a fun slide and even a mechanical bull. There was something for everyone among the almost overwhelming amount of things to do.
Lola Claire is a senior writing and rhetoric major with a concentration in creative writing and a double-minor in journalism and digital storytelling....
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