Command G, St. Edward’s University’s graphic design organization, held a welcome back party to ring in the new year and semester. Students used cutouts from magazines to create mood and vision boards reflecting on their goals and aspirations for the upcoming year.
“We’re starting a new year, we’re ringing in a new semester,” junior Liam Molina, secretary of Command G, said. “The perfect thing is making a moodboard, establishing the vibe that you want to have moving forward in 2024 and in the semester.”
Students each had unique visions for the year, senior Maisara Rahman found herself inspired by a vision of fun, using several animals–particularly cats–to create a collage with a chaotic feel.
“Every single time I do a collage, I wanna go for the most chaotic thing ever,” Rahman said. “‘cause that’s just me, it’s fun. My vision was just like be goofy, because I just enjoy that.”
Rahman will be graduating this December and is both anxious and excited for the future.
“The moment I graduate it’s like a whole new life for me,” Rahman said. “So I’m frankly very scared because I don’t know what that’s going to look like but I’m also excited ‘cause I am ready to start the next chapter of my life, I just don’t know where to start.”
Senior Valeria Plazola felt drawn to images of bold fashion and messages of power and beauty. She wants to make 2024 a year of self-improvement and self-care, filled with motivation to make this year better than the last.
“I want to travel, get a job, go out with friends, get that bank, good things, that’s all I want,” Plazola said. “Even go to K-Pop concerts.”
Students also filled their vision boards with images and phrases to remind them of their goals for 2024. Freshman Roony Puga glued inspiring phrases like “forward motion” and “past our comfort zones” over images that they related to across their collage.
“I’m going to try and put myself a bit more out there,” Puga said. “I think it’ll go well.”
One of Puga’s goals is to develop relationships this semester with a focus on friends, though they aren’t opposed to a spring romance. They also want to focus on being their genuine self, including imagery they felt reminded them of themes of both identity and home.

Command G’s welcome back party provided an opportunity for each student to reflect on their goals for the year, as well as creatively express them through collage.
“Life’s too short,” Puga said. “So I think these vision boards are a really good way to think about what we want.”
Be on the lookout for upcoming Command G events throughout the semester on CollegiateLink and their Instagram.
“I’m excited,” Jade Perea, president of Command G, said.“It’s always fun going into a new semester and doing workshops.”