The Innovation Lab is hosting professor Jeffery Downs, the director of the Writing Center, in a multi-series workshop every other Wednesday on hand-quilting. This is a traditional technique that originated approximately in medieval times, sewing multiple layers, the top, the batting and the back to make a quilt using a needle by hand. Choosing a specific fabric, pattern and purpose for it is what makes a quilt more than just a practical piece for staying warm. It is an act that takes long hours and is driven by passion, creativity, connection and ultimately, art. In the first session, students shared their experience with quilting, learned about key terms and Downs’ extensive history and love for the craft.
Downs begins the workshop by introducing how his passion for quilting started and shares his background as a theatrical costume designer. “Well, it wasn’t really around when I was growing up,” Downs said. “I was in the theater for my first undergraduate degree, and I was a customer, so I learned how to sew. I’d always wanted to learn how to sew.” I would always draw, old fashioned clothes and stuff. And the customer was like, ‘you’re drawing a costume.’ So, I went crazy for it. And then over the years, I just started thinking about quilting, and I wanted to try it, and I put a few little pieces together here and there.” (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)The director of the Writing Center shared stories about the professor that taught him how to quilt. “Her name was Sally, and she’s not with us anymore, but she taught me,” Downs said. “We both kind of picked it up at the same time. “But once you get the bug for it, if you don’t like it, you’ll never try it again. But if you do, that’s it. It’s for life. It overtakes everything.” (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)The students pick a fabric with pattern and a piece of batting, usually color neutral, to create a nine-patch quilt. This consists of nine fabric blocks that are sewn together. (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)Downs gives a tutorial on how to use equipment for cutting fabric. First, you place the fabric in the cutting mat, then you measure the fabric with a sewing ruler. Lastly, you cut with a rotary cutter or a fabric scissor. (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)Sophomore Marlee Claes is shown marking the measurements of the blocks and arranging them to complete the next steps on the following quilting workshop. (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)Downs comments on how his quilts are gifted to family, friends, and even to unknown individuals. “I made a bunch of quilts with some friends to donate to an AIDS hospice back in like, 2000,” Downs said. “Someone told me last year on Facebook, that they went, and have seen that those quilts are still there after 23 years. There was one for each bed in the hospice, eight quilts, and they’re still using them.” (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)Senior Andre Espinoza reflects on the workshop. “I wanted to try quilting because I see a lot of designers do patchwork with different materials and put it together for pants or something,” Espinoza said. “My grandparents also did it so I just wanted to find a new skill to learn about.” (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)A handmade quilt made by Downs. Quilting is a form of creating connections with others. Professor Downs highlights that when making quilts, giving them away is part of what makes the experience so special. “You send those out in the world,” Downs said. “I have friends online, friends I’ve never met. They have quilts from me because we’re so close. And what you get out of it is that you know that someone you care about. You know that when they use that quilt, they’re warm. You’re keeping people you care about warm. That’s when you know you’re a quilter, when you see this beautiful thing and you can’t wait to make it and then you want to give it away and you may never see it again.” (Sofia Palacios / Hilltop Views)
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