When we talk about fashion, St. Edward’s University has a lot of diversity. Valentine’s Day is a fun occasion to dress up, and some students did not hesitate to seize the chance to showcase their best pieces of clothing: red, pink, layers and accessories were at the core of Wednesday’s looks. From fashionistas to international personalities, the hilltop is full of surprises.
Gabrielle Caumon is a senior from Paris, France, who is pursuing a major in the BFA Acting program and a minor in Journalism. This is her second year writing for “Hilltop Views” and her second semester as the Life & Arts Editor. Always enthusiastic about discovering different facets of journalism, she is very grateful for this opportunity and the trust that has been placed in her. Gabrielle’s journey was shaped by the challenges she has encountered in a foreign language, and hopes to bring something new by the benefits of her bicultural perspective!
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