When we talk about fashion, St. Edward’s University has a lot of diversity. Valentine’s Day is a fun occasion to dress up, and some students did not hesitate to seize the chance to showcase their best pieces of clothing: red, pink, layers and accessories were at the core of Wednesday’s looks. From fashionistas to international personalities, the hilltop is full of surprises.
“I just love ‘love,’ and I love dressing up for Valentine’s Day,” Cabra Editor-in-Chief Isa Supelano said. “The fact that we all get to celebrate, not even just romantic love but also platonic love, it makes me really happy.” For Valentine’s Day, Supelano decided to opt for a red dress as her main piece. “I always wanted to layer this dress over a pair of jeans and I thought it was perfect because the dress is red, so I based my whole outfit around it,” she said. Being able to dress up and encourage students to express themself on campus is a significant part of Supelano’s life. (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)Senior Jermaine Ervin Jr., a student from Huston-Tillotson, built his Valentine’s Day outfit around his tie. “I actually thrifted this tie, it has hearts on it so I knew I was gonna wear it,” Ervin Jr. said. “So, I just tried to match the tie truthfully.” For him, fashion is a way to express himself. “It’s a fun part of the morning. It gets you out of bed, gets the day going — so I like it,” he said. (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)“Valentine’s Day is an important holiday because it just reminds us all about love, not just loving a partner but loving yourself, friends and family,” sophomore Amaris Jimenez said. To pick her outfit, Jimenez relied on her siblings. “I sent them a couple of photos saying ‘which shirt should I wear,’ and they chose it for me,” Jimenez said. “My whole wardrobe is basically pink, so I had options.” Jimenez dresses up in pink every day and puts importance on accessory details such as head clips, purse and makeup design: it’s her signature. (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)Freshman Camilla Escobar dresses up for any occasion. “I like to be extremely extra all the time,” Escobar said. “Especially for Valentine’s Day, I definitely like to go above and beyond.” Escobar prioritizes celebrating this day with her friends and decided to avoid the “lovey-dovey” style in her outfit, detached from pink. “It was actually extremely hard because I wanted to wear something completely different, super girly, but it ended up being just a little bit too chilly for me,” Escobar said. “So, I decided to go with these pants and I noticed this tub top was the same kind of dark red. I thought that was super cute.” For Escobar, her white overshirt reminds her of “Romeo and Juliet.” She explained the hard time she has stylizing it and saw Valentine’s Day as a chance for her to layer a little bit. (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)“It’s just because I really like Valentine’s Day, I think it’s like one of the cutest holidays,” freshman Vivi Reyes said. “I’m Mexican, so you know, in Spanish it’s the day of ‘Amor y Amistad’ which is like ‘Love and Friendship.’ So, I really value that and the romantic and platonic side of it.” Fashion is important to Reyes, and Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for her to dress up. She bought this pink dress a month ago and saved it for the occasion. “I saw the hearts, I knew I had to get it,” Reyes said. “I got these little boots because they remind me of Aerith from ‘Final Fantasy 7,’ one of my favorite video game characters. She kind of goes with the pink long dress and the boots.” (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)For junior Josie Herrin, Valentine’s Day represents self-love and dressing up is a way for her to express who she is through her clothes. “I personally just enjoy dressing up nice, it’s fun to dress for myself,” Herrin said. “I like to do a lot of layers and I also love stocking — so I know I wanted to include that and I just paired something pink to go with the Valentine’s Day theme.” (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)Junior Iliana Garza also based her Valentine’s Day look on her accessories with pink heart-shaped sunglasses, head clips and earrings. She loves colors and made sure to merge them nicely. “I think fashion is self-expression you know, everybody likes to be a little bit different and I’m luckily able to do that with my clothes sometimes,” Garza said. “I like being able to see people kind of smile when they see my little outfit, I think it’s cute.” (Gabrielle Caumon / Hilltop Views)
Gabrielle Caumon is a senior from Paris, France, who is pursuing a major in the BFA Acting program and a minor in Journalism. This is her second year writing for “Hilltop Views” and her second semester as the Life & Arts Editor. Always enthusiastic about discovering different facets of journalism, she is very grateful for this opportunity and the trust that has been placed in her. Gabrielle’s journey was shaped by the challenges she has encountered in a foreign language, and hopes to bring something new by the benefits of her bicultural perspective!
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