Nedy West is the Volunteer Coordinator at Therapy Pet Pals of Texas and has been involved in dog therapy since 2015. West has three goldendoodles and is currently working with Hailey. Hailey has been a therapy dog for about a year and was described by West as “sweet and rambunctious.” “When we enter the building, she knows where to go, she knows that when the residents call her she sits and waits for her command to give kisses,” West said.
Chelsea Purgahn works at the marketing office as the videographer and photographer for St. Edwards. Purgahn became interested in dog therapy while covering a previous event and began to wonder if her dog, Daisy Mae, could become a therapy dog. Daisy went under intermediate obedience training and a Canine Good Citizen test. This test measured Daisy on how she would react to new people and to basic grooming. Purghan then applied to volunteer with Therapy Pet Pals of Texas to visit nursing homes and hospitals to further Daisy’s training. “Daisy has made such a positive impact on my life and I want to share her with everyone,” Purghan said. (Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)Dane Hersey is also a volunteer at Therapy Pet Pals of Texas and is seen holding his dog, Zephyr. Zephyr was found on the streets of San Marcos and was soon adopted by Paws Rescue in January 2018. Zephyr became a therapy dog later the same year. Hersey would pass out cards to people with Zephyr’s information to read about. On these cards they included Zephyr’s background but also his favorite things like carrots and nose kisses. ( Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)Krupa Shah works at SEU’s Recreation and Wellness center. Shah has been a part of dog therapy since 2018 when she first came to St. Edward’s. She works with Therapy Pet Pals of Texas to gather volunteers for these monthly events. Shah acknowledges that many students leave their pets behind, and she wants to offer them to help students destress. “We want to be the best hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes of someone’s day, and if this is it we’re happy to do that,” Shah said. ( Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)Daisy Mae is a Rottweiler-Terrier-Chihuahua mix. She is seen rolling around on the ground drawing everyone’s attention with her grunts. She constantly draws attention to herself, making everyone laugh at her goofy attitude. Daisy Mae also knew a few tricks; most notably, she likes to give handshakes. ( Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)Zephyr was the most mellow dog of the afternoon with his old wise looks and slightly closed eyes. Zephyr’s look was unique to him, with many pointing out his wire-like hair and his calm expression. Zephyr was held in the arms of many and was avid on giving nose kisses to each person that held him. However, he did have an occasional burst of excitement throughout the afternoon, running around with his fellow therapy dogs. ( Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)Hailey the goldendoodle was the most energetic dog of the bunch. Hailey went from student to student, sniffing them and begging for pets. She was seen all over making sure she greeted everyone that passed by. Hailey constantly tried to play with the other dogs and was even successful in getting Zephyr to play with her. ( Emilio Casanova / Hilltop Views)
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