St. Edward’s diversity is spread throughout, providing a variety of majors, international inclusion. and organizations; because of this, many are influenced from different areas allowing students to express themselves in a unique and authentic manner. Many students express their identity through their sense of fashion. Maggie Phelps, a sophomore studying photography, sees her style not following a specific trend but instead allows color and silhouettes to unfold her identity. “I like to wear colors that look good on me and enhance my features,” Phelps said. “I like to focus a lot on the silhouette of clothes and how it ends up looking. I would describe it as a color such as jewel tones and a lot of black.” Although Phelps’ outfits don’t associate with any trending style, she is rather inspired by what ‘80s goth and New Wave. Phelps’ style focuses on her makeup, specifically creating editorial eye design that correlates with her clothes. Phelps continues to express the benefits of focusing on silhouettes and colors. “It gives you so much more freedom on what you’re going to wear, because you then don’t have to think about ‘I’m insecure about this’ or ‘It’s going to highlight this’ you’re just thinking more so about the clothing shapes rather than you in the clothes,” she said.
Sophomore Paola Ruiz is seen wearing a crochet long sleeved hollowed out sweater, paired with mom jeans and a skull muscle tee. Ruiz gets inspired from what other students across St. Edward’s are rocking. “I see a lot of people wearing skirts and I take a lot of inspiration from people I see on campus,” Ruiz said. “I’m like ‘That outfit is so cute’ or ‘I like those types of fishnets’ or ‘those tights with that skirt, totally rock.’ I take a lot of inspiration from a lot of the outfits that people wear.” (Daniel Mendoza / Hilltop Views)Loralei Carr mainly thrifts her clothes. She continuously shops at Pavement, a vintage store off Lamar Boulevard, or other stores that provide good sales. Carr doesn’t describe her fashion as a specific theme or style but instead incorporates other skills to her clothing. “Sometimes I’ll embroider,” Carr said. “I like to cross stitch, so sometimes I’ll add little designs on stuff (garments).” This adds a special charm to her expression. (Daniel Mendoza / Hilltop Views)Jimena Ramirez style changes day to day, and here, Ramirez is wearing vintage clothing. When discussing where she typically buys her clothes, Ramirez looks to other locations outside of the Austin area. “I shop a lot in Mexico City, and I like unique pieces made by artists,” Ramirez said. “I mainly thrift in Houston. I feel like the spots are better over there. It’s more curated.” This is a common stylistic theme seen at St. Edward’s where students are fitting thrifted and vintage items into their wardrobe. (Daniel Mendoza / Hilltop Views)Freshman Emma Soupiset is seen wearing a dark-wash denim skirt paired with a vintage tee and a black ribbon used as a choker. The use of color is significant for Soupiset’s expression in her style. “I try to keep patterns, colors fun overall; because I don’t think it’s fun to be neutral,” Soupiset said. “I like to use a lot of color to open up my style.” As Ruiz also expressed, some of her inspirations come from what other students are wearing. Soupiset finds herself having the same experience. “A lot of my friends have a really cool style,” Soupiset said. “So, sometimes I’ll see their outfits that they send to me. I use that as inspiration.” (Daniel Mendoza / Hilltop Views)
Daniel Mendoza is Hilltop Views’ photo editor. He’s a current sophomore studying photography. Outside of Hilltop Views, Daniel’s focus is toward his personal photo series and photography business titled León DC.
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