The Ballroom Extravaganza, or in other words, drag show, was held last week in honor of Pride Week here on campus. This event was put on by SEU Pride and the Trans Wellness Organization (TWO). St. Edward’s prides itself on being an inclusive place where everyone is free to express themselves in any shape or form with no judgment.
“I think it’s really important to have students on campus express themselves, and do it in a way that’s super fun and creative and give them the opportunity to present themselves in the way that they want to be presented,” Kam Fletcher, president of Pride, said.
TWO and Pride do a lot of work together to ensure students feel included on campus. After last semester’s pride flag protests, both the organizations have been taking extra initiatives to guarantee that students are given the opportunity to be themselves.
“It just means the world to me,” Kris Feck, vice president of TWO, said. “Seeing queer people on campus come together and celebrate such a wonderful part of queer culture that has been under attack recently just means so much.”
Drag is a huge part of queer culture, so in this article, I will allow the performers to take the wheel and let their voices be heard, and their outfits be seen.
Raveena Devjee is an aspiring journalist with a strong passion for storytelling and a commitment to excellence in her craft. Originally from Sydney, Australia, she relocated to the United States at the age of 15, where she further cultivated her interest in writing and journalism. Dedicated, driven, and enthusiastic, Raveena is focused on building a career that blends her passion for insightful reporting with a steadfast commitment to the principles of journalism.
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