Hilltop Views wins Best of Show, eight awards at TIPA 2016

Hilltop Views editors Amanda Gonzalez, left, Jacob Rogers, Rosemond Crown, Jacob Rogers and Victoria Cavazos with their awards from TIPA.

DALLAS — Hilltop Views won Best of Show and eight other awards at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association conference April 2. 

TIPA is a statewide college journalism organization that holds an annual conference.

Hilltop Views entered Issue five of Volume 39, published February 24.

The newspaper won:

• Best of Show Division Two

• Second for Special Edition/Section — Hilltop Views Special Report: Sexual Assault

• Second for Best Breaking News Video: Rosemond Crown and Jacob Sanchez — Fire in Fine Arts Building

• Second for Opinion/Editorial Page Design: Sanchez

• Third for News Story: Jacob Rogers and Sanchez — New law requires private universities to disclose police reports

• Third for Single Subject Design: Nicole Burg

• Third for Information Graphic: Burg — Sexual Assault in Texas

• Honorable Mention for News Story: Sanchez — St. Edward’s seeks second attorney general opinion on open records

• Honorable Mention for General Column: Sanchez — Man or machine: Here’s how Romney could save the GOP, US from Trump