Weezer’s new ‘White Album’ offers nostalgia for long-time Weezer-lovers, catchy tunes for new fans

“Weezer (The White Album)” is a perfect color for Weezer’s newest album in more ways than one. Not only do the songs talk about the beach, getting high on pills while listening to ‘90s music and chasing after California girls, “White” also represents the purity and newness of Weezer’s journey of starting over.

After the mess of flop albums that debuted between 2008 and 2014, Weezer was out for redemption, and Rivers Cuomo made sure not to disappoint fans again with “Weezer (The White Album)”.

This album contains a mixture of old Weezer-Pinkerton-sounding songs and poppy, catchy, Raditude-like songs.

The catchiest songs also happen to be the worst on the album in my opinion.

“King of the World,” is downright awful, but you will find yourself singing, “If I was king of the world, you’d be my girl…” all day after you give it just one listen. It might as well be “Beverly Hills part 2” with its poppy sound and repetitive chorus.

“Thank God for Girls” is another catchy pop song that stands out on the album. It’s not nearly as bad as “King,” but it isn’t their best song either. The song talks about a pastry chef, suggesting sexual innuendos in the form of cannolis.

Now that we’ve weeded out the bad, I have great news: the rest of this album rules.

Songs like “Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori,” “Jacked Up” and “Endless Bummer” will bring original Weezer fans to a nostalgic state. The alternative-rock sound in combination with nerdy rhymes and lyrics is evident throughout the album.

And don’t you worry, “Green Album” young-adult fans; there are still plenty of songs on the album to play for your girlfriend on open mic night. You can swoon her with your sick acoustic guitar skills with songs like “Wind in Our Sail” and “(Girl We Got A) Good Thing.” So romantic. So nerdy. So… Weezer.

Weezer has been struggling to stay relevant for at least six years now, and finally, “Weezer: The White Album” will put them back on the map of alt-rock lover’s hearts.

As pretentious as it sounds, hopefully that’s the only place they’ll be put back on and not the radio. This is not any B.O.B or Lil Wayne/ Weezer collab. Nope, not this time. This time, we have good ol’ Weezer rock.