St. Edward’s plans fun spring semester with selection of events
It’s a new year and as the new you barrels into spring semester, guns blazing, make sure to check out some of St. Edward’s University’s favorite campus-wide events! They will be packed full of that hill-raising Topper spirit we love so much.
Homecoming Feb 15-21
Cardboard boat races in the pool, a put-it-all-on-the-line casino night and a spirited Topper tailgate to top it off! This can only be St. Edward’s long anticipated homecoming! Imagine the whole SEU community coming together for not hours, not even days, but a whole week of fun-filled, possibly crazy events that only the hilltoppers could think up, let alone put on. Students will form teams to vie for that glorious Topper Cup while the SEU community takes part in an array of family-friendly activities.
“Homecoming is a week-long series of events where students can compete with fellow students for the Topper Cup and reconnect with alumni,” said Anna Davies, the executive director of University Programming Board (UPB). “One of UPB’s biggest events, Casino night, is on the Friday at the end of the week and has been popular among students in the past. Parents, alumni, staff, faculty and currents students are welcome to attend an evening of casino games, snacks and dancing!”
BIG Event April 9
What’s bigger than St. Edward’s BIG Event? For its 12th annual year, SGA will be hosting a campus-wide service project for the entire St. Edward’s community to get involved and benefit Austin. Students, staff and faculty alike will get the chance to give back to the city and its people through various philanthropic partner organizations.
“The main purpose of BIG Event is getting the St. Edward’s community together for a day giving back to our South Austin neighbors and community,” said Director of Communications and Marketing, Victoria Godinez.
End of Year Party April 22
Leave it to Topper to go out with a bang that can only be known as the End of Year Party! This fun-filled event offers a spring version of Hillfest, with a live concert, food truck favorites like Gourdough’s and Stony’s Pizza Kitchen and plenty of rousing games to liven up the night. No matter who you are, everyone has a reason to come out and celebrate the end of the school year, whether it’s surviving classes or surviving tuition fees. Junior, Ashley Lopez, comments on the End of Year Party, “I get to hang out with my friends and listen to relaxing music. Chill vibes only.” So join fellow Hilltoppers in celebrating a great year!
Movies on the Lawn Monthly
Where do Katniss Everdeen, James Bond and Han Solo meet for popcorn? The Hilltop, of course! For over 10 years, UPB has been bringing students their favorite movies once a month on a huge inflatable screen in front of Dujarie, and this semester is no different. Students can look forward to the epic finale of the Mockingjay trilogy in February, a James Bond thriller in March and the return of Han Solo in April.
Hilltop Send-off May 7
Along with all these fun events, spring semester also holds the bittersweet Hilltop Send-off for graduating seniors. Flashing back all the way to their freshmen year, seniors recreated their Legacy walk. Second year coordinator for Transitional Experience Council (TEC) Aaron Kennard explained the significance of this event.
“Hilltop Send-off is a really important event in terms of tradition,” Kennard said. “[Graduating seniors] walk out of the red doors and then there’s the beautiful Austin skyline, and that is supposed to symbolize leaving St. Edward’s and going out into the real world.”

I am Lilli Hime—English Writing and Rhetoric major and freelance writer at Hilltop Views. This is my senior year at St. Edward's University.
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