Social Justice LLC hosts pizza fundraiser for women, children in shelter

The Social Justice LLC must take certain classes together.

This semester, the Social Justice Living Learning Community’s personal finance class is planning a fundraising project for Casa Marianella’s Posada Esperanza Transitional Shelter.

This week students in the class will be selling pizza and other foodstuffs from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. outside of Ragsdale, excluding Nov 11. All proceeds will go towards meeting the basic needs of women and children at Casa Marianella’s.

During the fundraiser sale, a slice of pizza will cost $2, while cookies, hot chocolate and other goods will cost $1. The class hopes to raise a goal of $2,000 by the end of the project. Cash, checks and Topper Tender will be accepted.

Organized by professor Camelia Rotaru, the fundraiser seeks to intersect the business skills of personal finance with a humanitarian aspect since the course is part of the Social Justice LLC freshman studies. The project encourages students to get involved in the community without receiving a grade for their service.

“[My students] were very willing to get a project going,” Rotaru said. “We desperately want $2,000 for these women. I think they will be very grateful to receive some financial help. It’s the right thing to do.”

Residents of Posada Esperanza, most of whom are immigrant women and children escaping domestic violence, lack basic necessities such as diapers, pillows, blankets, winter jackets, socks and underwear. Money raised at the sale will go towards health insurance co-pays and required immunizations for the women and children in the shelter.

Personal Finance student Savannah Smith discovered the importance of raising funds and donating to Posada Esperanza residents after visiting the shelter with some of her classmates.

“Over the weekend I got to see the whole situation firsthand,” Smith said. “It dawned on me how moving from a foreign country puts so much strain on the mother and the family.”

Faculty, students and community members are welcome purchase food to benefit the cause, donate cash, Topper Tender, or make a check out to Casa Marianella. Donations of basic necessities like clothing, baby care products and kitchenware are also encouraged.

“If you have extra Topper Tender and you want a piece of pizza it’s an easy way to give back,” Smith said. “It’s a simple gesture of goodwill that would mean a lot to a lot of people.”

For more information on Casa Marianella’s mission or how to give back go to

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