Audrey Eads signs off as a Hilltop Views editor
Hilltop Views is like family to me now — a space I feel like I can be my true, weird self at late-night Monday production nights, character-revealing potlucks and random happy hours at Opal Divine’s.
I have been avoiding writing this farewell at all costs because, basically, I’m not ready to leave yet. I feel like I just got started, and I wish I could time-travel back to my past 18-year-old self in her dorm in T-House and tell her, “Go to a Hilltop Views meeting! Take Journalism 1 next semester, don’t wait two years.” But alas, I spent the first half of college pursuing a major in global studies, never feeling quite right with my career choice.
Then, indulging in my childhood dream to write for National Geographic, (it was part of a pact my best friend and I made as 10-year-olds to be a writer-photographer duo that traveled the world together), I decided to take my first journalism course the spring semester of my junior year.
The first day of class, I sat there at the front like a total geek, enthralled by Professor Jena Heath’s obvious enthusiasm for journalism. By the end of the semester, Heath had offered me and my classmate Amber positions on the Hilltop Views staff as Life and Arts Editors. Having someone believe in my writing skills was exactly what I needed, and I threw myself into the pursuit of a career in journalism, even though I began two years later than I would have preferred.
Hilltop Views is like family to me now — a space I feel like I can be my true, weird self at late-night Monday production nights, character-revealing potlucks and random happy hours at Opal Divine’s.
Thank you to my L&A partner-in-crime, Amber, for being the best person to begin my time at HV with. Shout out to Raneem, my news co-editor whom I love for giving me the chance to really get to know you, even after our time together on the women’s club soccer team. Bye, Kayla, the best and funniest copy editor I could ever ask for who was always on top of the ball.
Hasta la vista, Hannah, my lovely pug-lover and all around journalistic bad-ass. Toodles, Maxiralius and your goofy, infectious laugh and thanks to Sara, for being your sweet, hilarious self and for bringing your adorable ferret Cocoa into our lives. Goodbye Lyanne, my amazing NYC travel buddy and totally competent online editor. Au revoir to Jacob squared — J-Rogers, you held down the sports section like a pro and J-Sanchen, as much as I poke fun at you, please know that you are really a talented journalist and a great editor-in-chief.
So much props to Laura, Michael and Amar for taking and editing great photos and to Taylor, Jerry, Nicole and Paula for being seriously talented designers and bringing each issue to life.
Hilltop Views will forever be the most influential part of my college experience and I’m so happy I got to be a part of this wonderful community. Cue the best and most accurate TV theme song — “I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.” F-R-I-E-N-D-S F-O-R-E-V-E-R.