Some of the best tacos in Austin can be found at the food truck-turned-restaurant responsible for the perfect marriage between Mexican and Korean food: Chi’lantro.
Chi’lantro doesn’t limit their menu to just tacos (shoutout to the kimchi fries), but they have completely figured them out. Piled on two authentic corn tortillas because their tacos need that extra little bit of help the way a grocery bag with a gallon of milk does, Chi’lantro offers one of the juiciest, most flavorful bites in town.
If you’re looking for authentic Mexican tacos, this may not be the place, but don’t be fooled–this kind of marriage brings out the best qualities of both sides. Protein choices include ribeye bulgogi, spicy pork, spicy chicken, soy glazed chicken or marinated tofu, and then the tacos are piled high with lettuce, onions, cilantro and house made salsa.
I pretty much only like tacos that are so juicy that the tortilla can hardly handle it and the flavors explode in your mouth with every bite. Chi’lantro has given me this time and time again with their ribeye bulgogi and spicy pork tacos. The seasoning gives it that little kick of Korean flavor, while the cilantro, onion and corn tortillas tie it together with a Mexican bow. Add some fresh-squeezed lime and say hello to the tacos you thought could only exist in your dreams.