Supernatural drama includes angels, demons, dark suspense

Constantine is a good, fun show that combines elements of fantasy and horror to create a thrilling story that keeps you engaged and wanting more.

“So are you telling me that it’s not too late to save my soul?” These are the desperate words of a fellow named John Constantine. 

He has to live with the mistakes of his past. As one incident constantly comes up and rips at his subconscious, he voluntarily goes through shock therapy to help him forget, if even for a little.

In the beginning of the show we see him in an insane asylum talking to a shrink. The shrink then talks to him about what has been affecting him. He goes on about the “new castle”  mission, in which one of his friends’ daughter’s soul was taken from her. 

He talks about how he’s going to get the bastard demon that took her. The shrink then goes to evaluate his psych by saying that he’s personifying the guy as a demon, but John gets mad at him for it.

After Constantine figures out that an old friend gave him a message so he could honour his promise, he goes and finds the girl. 

He begins teaching her of the other world, and how she has been lied to by her mother as she had originally believed that her father had died years ago.

Constantine begins getting stalked by an angel, who wants to know what he knows. Essentially this angel is going rogue because he believes that the current system of heaven is rudimentary and too slow for his liking. 

A darkness is coming, and he wants to know what they will be facing off against. 

The girl that Constantine is protecting is currently being hunted by a tempest demon who is able to control electricity. 

Constantine uses her as bait and effectively destroys him, but not before being faked out with the soul of the girl whose soul is forever damned.

At the end of the episode, we see that the girl that Constantine had to protect wanted to go out and save more people from demons and the supernatural, but he says that it’s not her problem. 

She gets furious at him, and she herself decides that she’s going to go and help out the country with these attacks.

Constantine is a good, fun show that combines elements of fantasy and horror to create a thrilling story that keeps you engaged and wanting more.

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