MyHilltop registration process better than previous semester
Anybody at anytime can register now with the new system depending on when their registration time opens.
The ongoing registration for Spring 2015 classes is the second major test for the new St. Edward’s system, MyHilltop, following the move from EdWeb last spring.
Although underclassmen have not registered yet, initial reports from the Office of Information and Technology indicate that this semester’s registration process is much better than it has been in recent years.
More than double the amount of students registered in less than half of the time according to numbers from the OIT.
When registration opened on Monday to juniors, 137 students registered in the first minute. Three hundred and thirteen students were registered by 8:05 a.m.
What’s more, there were zero reported crashes and zero support calls in relation to registration to the Office of Information Technology said Jason Arellano, the User Services Manager at the OIT.
Arellano hopes that students will find myHilltop registration of this year to “better designed for students’ needs.”
Just as they did with EdWeb before spring 2015, before registering via myHilltop, students must meet with their advisor to receive clearance for their classes. What’s new to myHilltop is that students must also ask their advisors for an alternate pin with which to access registration.
Beyond acquiring an alternate pin, myHilltop also requires finding out each of one’s intended classes’ five-digit codes called CRNS.
Despite these extra hurdles, the new system has been reported as much easier to use.
“It took a couple minutes to open but once I put my CRNS in, I was registered for my last semester in five minutes,” senior Cristina Alvarado said.
After registering with Edweb for her first six semesters, Alvarado said she was satisfied with myHilltop’s ease and speed.
Senior Colin Stonecipher’s only problem with myHilltop registration occurred before open registration even began.
“I find the process on the front end to be more cumbersome while trying to find classes, but the actual registration process is much easier if you’ve prepared beforehand,” Stonecipher said.
In the Edweb era, registration started at 6 or 7 p.m., lasted all night, and closed the next morning before the start of school. This was partly because if registration took place during the day, it would crash the system and block daily users — professors and school administrators — from being able to access EdWeb.
Anybody at anytime can register now with the new system depending on when their registration time opens.
Registration opens Nov. 12 for sophomores and Nov. 14 for freshmen.
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