‘The History of Time Travel’ sends audience to sleep
“The History of Time Travel” was like a buying a cup of coffee at a gas station. You don’t buy it because it’s good, you buy it because the alternative is no caffeine.
Watching “The History of Time Travel” trailer was like seeing someone break an arm; you know what you’re going to see, and you know you shouldn’t want to see it, but you just can’t help yourself.
When I watched “The History of Time Travel” trailer, I was prepared for the actual movie to go one of two ways: so horrible that it was hilarious or moderately good. As a lover of comedy and good movies, I prepared myself for either of them. I did not prepare myself for the outcome of both.
“The History of Time Travel” was like a buying a cup of coffee at a gas station. You don’t buy it because it’s good, you buy it because the alternative is no caffeine.
The first hour of the movie was pretty bland. It recounted basic proposed theories of the universe such as the Multiverse Theory and the Timeline Theory. It was Stephen Hawking’s “Into the Universe,” but without any actual scientists.
“The History of Time Travel” centered around the question of: Would we realize if someone traveled back in time and changed history? This question has to be inferred while the narrator interviews different people knowledgeable about time travel. At first, the interviewees all talk about the first person to time travel–Richard Page, played by Ben Everett. However, as the story flashes to scenes where Page is time traveling, Page alters history and interviewees’ story.
The last hour had more action than the beginning, but was still slow. However, the ultimate ending more than made up for earlier dullness. It’s better than watching paint dry and worse than drinking the paint.
Overall, “The History of Time Travel” gets a solid “meh.”
Follow Sara on Twitter @katanakatona