Davis only candidate for governor who cares about all Texans
As a female Texas politician, Davis knows both the place of the underdog and the power of education to overcome obstacles.
Each week, we explore both sides of a current issue through opposing Viewpoints. The alternate editorial for this week’s Face Off can be found here: “Abbott right choice for governor, Davis brings DC-style politics to Austin.”
There is only one candidate in the race for governor who cares about all Texans: state Sen. Wendy Davis.
Davis exemplifies democracy by listening to Texans.
She thrives when working with people one-on-one, and at rallies for reproductive justice, education and equal pay. These are examples of taking voices in a representative democracy seriously.
Last summer, Davis made a choice to stand up and fight for women’s rights. This electrified Texans; leading more people to voice their opinions.
In the values systems of people invested in the debate over abortion rights, both pro-choice and pro-life, these terms mean everything.
Critically analyze the dialogue around the issues, not just the issues themselves.
The candidates’ languages are repetitive.
Davis’ campaign repeatedly speaks of fighting for minority and women’s rights and supporting universal health care.
Abbott repeatedly defends rights already in place and opposes universal healthcare implementation.
Davis is looking forward to new frontiers while Abbott is looking backward, losing traction with what the future could bring to Texas.
As a female Texas politician, Davis knows both the place of the underdog and the power of education to overcome obstacles.
Davis, a Harvard law graduate, epitomizes the liberal hope for education as a type of freedom. Her stances on education emphasize supporting teachers.
She also advocates for more holistic thought by planning to cut standardized testing throughout the state.
Over 14 million Texans have registered to vote, according to the Texas Secretary of State. Davis’s campaign has supported this by working to educate voters on new ID laws. While Abbott’s campaign believes voter ID laws protect rights to vote, most liberals consider the laws an act of voter suppression.
Davis supports giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants to protect other drivers’ safety. Her emphasis is physical safety, not keeping out immigrants.
Davis holds up liberal stances of emphasizing the people in the economy as the way to support economic growth. Her policies increase wages for every Texan earning minimum wage instead of protecting the interests of corporations.
Davis speaks about fighting for change, a common theme in politics, while Abbott talks about defense of already asserted rights.
Looking at policies on who is treated with respect widens such a stance to show values. The comfort with the status-quo keeps one conservatively safe, but discomfort with the way things have always been makes people lean toward liberalism.
A liberal might think the country benefits most when looking at service of the government from a regulatory standpoint and how regulations help government representatives to serve our state.
If you support a greater level of government involvement and responsibility for subsidizing education from preschool to higher education, vote for Davis.
If you believe universal health care is worth raising taxes over, vote for Davis.
If you recognize that, even though equal pay for women initially weakens the economy, the increases it will make overall will support a better economy, vote for Davis.
Raise taxes if that means more services and a greater number of voting citizens that will hold politicians more accountable. For an accountable politician, vote for Davis.