The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, a terror organization, have beheaded two American journalists and one British journalist in the past few weeks. Because of this, President Barack Obama ought to let tensions between the United States and ISIS cool down.
Obama should cautiously wait and oversee the development of the situation in Iraq and Syria.
In early August, Obama decided it was time for America to take appropriate action to put an end to the Islamic State’s push into Iraq. He attempted this through a series of airstrikes conducted by drones and U.S. fighter jets, bombing ISIS fighters and vehicles that were pushing into Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s Kurdish region.
Obama’s actions carried dire consequences for Americans in Iraq. These could have been prevented had he not intervened.
On Aug. 19, ISIS’s frustration with U.S. involvement compelled the militia to conduct the on-camera beheading of American journalist James Foley. In the video, members of ISIS requested that America stay out of its affairs or endure the murder of another.
Despite ISIS’s warnings, Obama negligently continued airstrikes in Iraq.
In response, on Sept. 2, ISIS released video of another graphic execution, this time of Steven Sotloff, another American journalist. The message was that America and other Western allies should keep out of the groups affairs.
If Obama continues airstrikes, ISIS will keep slaughtering Americans. and civilians alike.
British aid provider David Haines was killed if the U.S. does not relent in its airstrikes against ISIS.
Obama should certainly lend a helpful political hand to other benevolent nations who wish to get involved in the situation. As of right now, however, the U.S. should avoid direct military involvement in Iraq.
Another option for the U.S. is to conduct operations through domestic and international intelligence agencies.
Then again, many might view this as military involvement and oppose this option.
Whether the U.S. helps indirectly or not, Obama should not continue airstrikes against ISIS.
How long should the president avoid direct intervention?
The country will have to wait and see.
Right now tensions are high, and if the president makes a bad move, it could cost the life of the next Sotloff or David Haines.
These executions have visibily caused an uproar in Europe. If the Europeans have not been willing to help the situation with more than aid, that should be a hint to America. Obama needs to wait for Europe.