Exhibition displays a variety of student artwork

Photo by Kelsey Acosta

The Fine Arts Gallery’s first show of the new year, The Student Juried Exhibition, opened on Friday Jan. 17. This exhibition offers a change of pace from the fall exhibitions. As the name suggests, this exhibition is comprised of works by St. Edward’s students. 

Artwork by 30 art, photocommunications and graphic design students were selected from over 140 applicants.

“It’s a pretty good mix usually. They’re really good at not having one subject, like one major dominating too hard,” senior graphic design major Lexie Shook said. “I think it’s the best one I’ve seen so far.” 

The works vary greatly, from pottery and paintings to a pair of rubber band earrings. 

The exhibition was curated and juried by Jade Walker, director of the Visual Arts Center for UT Austin. Of the 30 students featured in the exhibition, three were selected for first, second and third place. 

Best in Show and honorable mentions were also awarded to students with exemplary works.

“Quality. Concept. I really am attracted to work I think is challenging. So, if I can find a piece that challenges me to think about something a little bit deeper or challenges me to rethink a medium…those are the things I’m attracted to,” Walker said.

The winners were announced at the opening reception Friday night. Third place went to Courtney Dymowski, second place went to Xiaozhou Zhu and first place went to Rolando Sepulveda. Lauren Winnicki won Best in Show and honorable mentions went to Gabriela Nicole Rodriguez and Maria Bisaga.

“It’s a good professional practice thing for students to be in juried shows,” Walker said. “Sometimes a juried show can hurt sort of the energy of the student body. But then, on the other hand, that’s just really how the real art world works.”

Walker calls it “a taste for how it’s going to be once you leave the university setting” and explains that in the real world, “there’s going to be people who are chosen to be in shows and not chosen.”

It also offers a chance to promote their artwork and network with people outside of the St. Edward’s setting.

“It’s great to bring in different people all the time because it gets your work seen by people who are not necessarily at your university,” Walker said.

The exhibition will run through Feb. 4 and is open weekdays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.