Terminator to announce a run for president if legally eligible
Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to be the president of the United States, but there’s one small problem: the Constitution clearly states that a “natural born citizen” can only be president.
Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to be the president of the United States, but there’s one small problem: the Constitution clearly states that only a “natural born citizen” can be president.
Schwarzenegger was born in Austria and therefore does not meet this requirement. He does however meet the age requirement of 35 and has been a United States citizen for more than the minimum 14 years.
Schwarzenegger has made it no secret that he wants to run for the presidency. In an interview with Jay Leno in 2010, Schwarzenegger was asked if he was allowed to run, would he? He replied by saying, “without any doubt.”
It’s unclear if he would have enough votes to win, but with the diversity of America it is not out of our imagination to see him get the top job in the country.
If Schwarzenegger wants to run for president in 2016, then the Constitution will have to be amended. The term “natural born citizen” would have to be more clearly defined or completely changed to allow foreigners to run for the most powerful job in the world. To change the Constitution, a two thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and Senate would be required. But would most Americans really want someone born outside of America to serve as president?
In 2008, Sen. John McCain ran into a similar problem: he was born in the Panama Canal Zone to American citizen parents.
The Supreme Court has never ruled on the subject of what defines a natural born citizen. But the Naturalization Act of 1790 may be the best way to determine eligibility. It states, “children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens.”
This clause also allows Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born to an American mother in Canada, to run for president if he chooses, as long as he renounces his Canadian citizenship.
The Constitution should not be changed to allow people born outside the country to run for president. The founding fathers of this country intended for only people born in America to be eligible to lead the country. Also, there has always been a fear that if someone who was not born in the United States becomes president, they would not have America’s best interest in mind. They might be willing to do more business with the country they are from.
I will admit that America is very diverse and it is possible that one day in the distant future foreigners could become eligible to run, but I don’t think we are there today.