Positive aspects of life at St. Edward’s

Jo’s Coffee Shop is a campus favorite relaxation spot.
A typical week day at St. Edward’s University consists of discussion-based classes with only about 20 students and a professor whom you feel comfortable having actual conversations with, walking out onto the beautifully-kept campus to study, then exploring the incredible city of Austin that night. So goes the life of a St. Edward’s student.
If you’re not getting free food and T-shirt at an on-campus event, then you might be practicing your French with an international student in Jo’s or viewing an art exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery.
Opportunities for academic and cultural growth are around every corner. Do not let it’s small size fool you—St. Edward’s is actually a diverse and thriving community that reaches across the globe.
This university is filled with opportunities to learn about topics you otherwise never would have learned about and meet people that would never have crossed your path were it not for St. Edward’s.
The small class sizes ensure that your voice will be heard and your questions will be answered. While at other schools, you might not ever have a face-to-face conversation with your professor, at St. Edward’s you may even be on a first-name basis with him or her and their children.
The atmosphere at this school is one of dedicated academia; you may not know what you want to do with your life when you first get here, but you can bet you’ll have a career goal and the skills needed to meet that goal by the time you leave.