Senior Farewell: Adam Crawley

Adam Crawley was a News Editor for HTV.

I can certainly say that Hilltop Views is my favorite thing I’ve ever been involved with in my time at St. Edward’s. My main interest with the organization was as fulfillment for the English Writing and Rhetoric internship requirement, but over time, I came to genuinely enjoy working at the views. When my internship was over, I accepted the offer to become the news editor with no hesitation.

Being a news editor was all at once frustrating, difficult, and stressful, but ultimately very rewarding. It became something more than satisfying a requirement or getting paid for me. I cared about putting together a quality publication, and getting to do that with people you enjoy hanging around with didn’t hurt.

I was able to learn a lot about writing and publishing from working here, and build a small portfolio while I was at it. Thanks to the Hilltop Views, I’ve discovered that I enjoy being a journalist.