Fun Fun Fun Fest: Hotdog eating contest gets gross

Contestants eat as many veggie dogs as they can in hopes of winning.

Veggie hotdogs are not known for their appetizing taste. While they can be very delicious, a good veggie dog is a rare commodity. With that said, only two words can describe the veggie hotdog eating contest held on Sunday afternoon at Fun Fun Fun Fest: disgusting and awesome.

Twelve people participated in the eating contest held on the yellow stage, and the contestants were made up of every kind of person: little girls, old guys, hipsters, punks, vegetarians, omnivores and a guy in a Lifesavers costume. Despite their outward appearances, they were all hungry and ready to eat a bunch of veggie dogs.

The contest, hosted by Mike Litt, started off slowly. Everyone casually picked up one hotdog at a time and slowly chewed and swallowed each bite in a fashion that would make any mom proud. Many audience members, thinking that no one was going to eat enough veggie dogs to puke, left the stage before the contest was even half over. Unfortunately for them, they missed the best part of the whole contest.

After one contestant got bored or sick of eating veggie dogs or maybe both, he started throwing his leftover hotdogs into the audience, which inspired the rest of the contestants to do the same. Eventually it became an all-out war with veggie dogs flying everywhere and hitting multiple people in the face.

When everything finally calmed down, scores were tallied, and the winners were announced, with first place going to a young man under the name The Asian Persuasion.